Friday, October 14, 2011

Bernard Essers woodcuts for Schendels's "een zwerver verliefd"

Bernard Essers is better known for the three covers he made for the magazine "Wendingen", the woodcuts shown here are lesser know but also a lot cheaper. I paid 10 euro (about 15 dollars) for this which i think is a very good deal for such a nice book, i very much like the first woodcut. If you should find one, buy it!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oosterbaan. Cover and title-page for Bordewijk's Blokken

Not really an illustrated book this time but a great cover, and title-page, design by A.M. Oosterbaan for F. Bordewijk's Blokken. Published by "de gemeenschap" in the netherlands in 1931. In my opinion one of the greatest book designs of the dutch interbellum. One of the highlights of my collections even though it's a bit rust stained.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Toyen illustrations for d'Angouleme. Heptameron. 1932. 76 ill. binding Sutnar.

72 half-page illustrations and title by Toyen, book design by Sutnar, in an edition of 5350. A good many of the illustrations are erotic, befitting  Angouleme's diary.